Endorsed by:

Leela Ray
Off Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hi there!

My name is Leela Ray, my pronouns are she/her/hers, and I’m a first year transfer
Political Science and Global Studies Major. I’m originally from a small town in Washington
State called Marysville, but every day Isla Vista feels more and more like home. After being
welcomed so warmly by this community I want to give back and make this a better
neighbourhood for all of us. I’m truly passionate about and committed to serving Isla Vista and
UCSB’s diverse student body, and it would be an honour to be elected as YOUR next off-campus

Within in my community back home, I have volunteered countless hours to help run an
after school martial arts program for kids in lower class families, organised food and clothes
drives with Free The Children to help the homeless in the Greater Seattle Area, and served on
Campfire USA’s Snohomish County Board of Directors to organise community events and
summer camp programming.

Should you vote me in to office, I will strive to implement the following:
INTRODUCE more scholarships and financial aid opportunities for out of state students.
IMPROVE mental health resources in Isla Vista including resource accessibility, and general awareness with the goal of fostering a stigma-free environment both on and off campus
STRENGTHEN the link between AS and students through the creation of a resource centre that will centralise all AS and Org related information for ease of access.
INSTALL biodegradable plastic bag stations for cleaning up after your pets throughout IV (or for when the partying gets out of hand) to help keep our streets clean!
ADVOCATE for more study spaces in IV to help mediate the overflow of students in the library

Thanks for reading my spiel, I’ll see you at the (proverbial) voting booths!
Vote Leela Ray #1 for Off-Campus Senator and Vote Isla Vista Party!

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