Endorsed by:

Kimia Hadidi
Off Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hi everyone! My name is Kimia Hadidi and I’m a 3rd year Political Science major. Through my time at UCSB I have HOSTED both professional and social events, negotiate with various organizations, entities and administrations and THRIVE as a woman of color. I love being able to help my sisters and friends make the most of our experience here at UCSB, and I am ready to be YOUR next off-campus senator to bring my visions for our student body for the 2019-2020 academic year.
My Experiences:
Representative at the UCSOS Student Organizing Summit
Lobbied on behalf of environmental legislation at the State Capitol
Executive board member overseeing UCSB’s chapter of Sigma Omega Nu
Representative to the United Sorority and Fraternity Council
Director of Social Affairs for Sigma Omega Nu
Canvasser for the Nature Conservancy

EXTEND the active AS loan to a 3-4 month payback period to help students with summer housing insecurity
DEMAND affordable housing that is dependable and accessible in Isla Vista
INSTILL transparency of emergency grants and loans for off-campus students
CREATE more access to mental health services through online appointment scheduling and designating a CAPS therapist for Isla Vista
COLLABORATE with all on-campus organizations and the Office of Student Life to support visibility and finances toward student-led events
CREATE an online porthole that joins resources provided by the Office of Student Life, Associated Students, and other resource hubs on campus in order to connect students to resources already available
EXPAND CLAS services to Isla Vista within the Pardall Center with an emphasis on UPPER DIVISION courses
INCREASE funding to the Community Financial Fund, Undocumented Student Services, and EOP through lobbying efforts and seeking grant endowments
ALLOCATE more funding for Basic Needs to create more programs for low-income students with housing and food security.
VOTE Kimia Hadidi #1 for off-campus senator and VOTE Isla Vista Party!

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