Hey Gauchos!
I’m Jennifer Vizzuett, a first-year living in IV next year and my pronouns are she, her and hers. I’m running with Campus United to be YOUR Off-Campus Senator!
I am living my best life at a school right on the beach. Our backyard has created a lively community in IV with an ocean view that cannot be compared to. Whether you are studying, hanging out with friends or relaxing, IV is the place to be. However, IV and UCSB is not perfect and has room for improvement and I am determined to change our community for the better.
My Qualifications & Accomplishments:
- Member of Kappa Alpha Theta, an organization that empowers
- Active member of St. Mark’s Catholic Community
- Associated Student Body President: worked hand and hand with the administration, specifically the Superintendent and student body to create renovations for my school.
What I Will Do:
-Prioritize creating a more SUSTAINABLE campus by promoting and transitioning to more of an eco-friendly environment.
-Implement moreore water bottle filling stations off campus to minimize plastic usage in IV
- Bringing in more compost and recycling bins into Isla Vista
- Expand the MEAL SWIPE SYSTEM and give students the option to use swipes at restaurants in IV, and getting gaucho bucks on your card that you can use at place in IV. This will help promote HEALTHIER, DIVERSE RESTAURANTS
- Improve IV through INFRASTRUCTURE: increase the number of parking spots available, repair roads, increase sidewalks, improve drainage, and increase lighting for safety.
- Collaborate with ACADEMIC COUNSELING to develop a time-efficient approach to choosing classes and increase the number of resources available to students during pass times.
- Develop a DIVERSE, UNIFIED social atmosphere among the clubs, sports teams and the Greek community to promote acceptance and inclusion.
Let's make WAVES with Campus United! If you have any questions feel free to email me at jennifervizzuett@ucsb.edu.
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