Endorsed by:

I’m Giselle Etessami, a second-year living in Isla Vista, and I’m running with Campus United to be your next Off-Campus Senator!
Isla Vista is distinct. Like the people who make up its community, Isla Vista has a personality of its own. From those basic “Wish I were here instead of studying for midterms” captions to pictures of Sands, to late night trips to get Freebirds nachos, what’s not to love? As your Off-Campus Senator, I will work to improve this place we call home and make it an even better place to spend our college years.
My Qualifications & Accomplishments:
-President of the Girls Learn International chapter at my high school
-Volunteer tutor and assistant counselor a literacy and leadership program to maintain summer retention for low-income elementary school children
-Participant of Righteous Conversations: collaborated with Holocaust survivors to create an animated PSA on the impact of a lack of feminine hygiene products on a girl’s education
What I will do:
-INCREASE a sense of community by bringing outdoor gyms to IV and starting a student-run Flea Market to give students an avenue for artistry and an outlet to buy, sell, and trade things with other community members
-CREATE a comprehensive and accessible website detailing the time and place of all clubs, organizations, and events scheduled on campus and in the surrounding area
-ADD more garbage, recycling, and compost receptacles to IV and make IV a safer place to bike by adding mirrors to stop lights
-IMPROVE OrgSync to be completely updated for students to comprehensively inform them about all the clubs, organizations, and events scheduled on campus
-HOST educational lectures between students and officers on how to improve relations, educate students, and strengthen communication between students and officers
Vote for GISELLE ETESSAMI for YOUR next OFF-CAMPUS senator! Make WAVES! Please feel free to reach out to me at getessami@ucsb.edu if you have any questions!
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