Eric Moon
Off Campus Senator
Campus United (2018-20)


Hey Gauchos!!

My name is Eric Moon, a second-year History of Public Policy major, and I am thrilled to be running as your next OFF-CAMPUS SENATOR with CAMPUS UNITED!

Since taking my first step into UCSB 2 years ago, my biggest passion has been fighting to improve the lives of ALL Gauchos, whether that be through lobbying Senators in Washington D.C. to working with the UC Office of the President in Sacramento to knocking on doors in IV for local campaigns!

Now, serving as an On-Campus Senator in the current AS Senate, I feel I’m in the best position to not only effectively represent the interests of EVERY student, but also hit the ground running from the very first day!

My Experience and Involvement:
-Associated Students On-Campus SENATOR
-UCSB CAMPUS LEADER of the UC Advocacy Network’s Student Ambassador Program
-EVENTS COORDINATOR of the Isla Vista Community Relations Committee
-INTERN for the successful “Yes on Measure R” campaign, which created a dedicated revenue stream for the IVCSD
-FELLOW for the External Vice President of Statewide Affairs office

I Plan To:
-COMBAT the issue of textbook affordability with the creation of a textbook grant program similar to one adopted at UCLA in which students can apply for and use award money for textbook purchases
-INCREASE the services of the AS Food Bank by holding monthly pop up events at the Pardall Center and other IV locations
-ENHANCE library resources and usage by increasing available study spaces and working with the Library to get newer laptops for students to check out
-ADDRESS the parking problem in IV by working to get affordable parking passes and collaborating with the EVPLA office and the IVCSD to conduct a parking study
-EXPAND the Blue Light safety system on campus and out into Isla Vista

Contact me at because I’m here to serve YOU!

VOTE Eric Moon as your #1 choice for OFF-CAMPUS SENATOR and VOTE Campus United! Together, we can make WAVES and ride them towards a better tomorrow!

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