Endorsed by:
My name is Dylan Kupsh, I’m a second year Computer Science Major and Labor Studies Minor. From the long nights at CSIL to the beautiful sunsets on the beach, I have been quite proud to call UCSB my home. However, our campus still faces challenges that need creative solutions. That is why I’m running for YOUR College of Engineering Senator!
What I have already helped accomplish:
RAISING wages by 20% for over 300 student workers on campus
RESEARCHING energy consumption within hardware neural networks in the UCSB Archlab
FOUNDING our student labor solidarity organization, USLAC
ORGANIZING power within our Student-Worker Union, UAW 2865
TUTORING students in lower division Computer Science courses
What I will Advocate for as YOUR engineering senator:
LOWERING of tuition and fees by forcing the university to tap into their irregular accounting (slush) funds to pay for basic services instead of taxing students
REDUCTION in the outrageous class sizes through pressuring College Deans and the University Bureaucracy (Academic Senate) to LOWER class sizes in conjunction with our local unions
IMPROVING accessibility of mental health resources for engineering students by providing CAPS with a specialized space within the engineering buildings
FAIR TREATMENT of student workers by the formation of a labor commission dedicated to investigating and improving workplace conditions
INCREASING research opportunities by expanding FRAP and growing communication between engineering students and faculty
Questions? Email me at kupshUCSB@gmail.com
TOGETHER, we can fix our broken campus political system and return power to ALL students.
TOGETHER, we can make a positive change on our campus and world!
VOTE Dylan Kupsh as your #1 choice for ENGINEERING SENATOR on GOLD and Vote Isla Vista Party!
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