Daevionne Beasley
External Vice President - Statewide Affairs
Campus United (2018-20)


What’s good Gauchianas! My name is Daevionne Beasley, and I’m a 2nd-year Sociology major running with Campus United to be your External Vice President of Statewide Affairs! As EVPSA I’ll work to keep students informed on national and statewide issues impacting UCSB and work with other UCs to address these.

How I have served you:
Director of Internal Affairs for Coalition for a Better UC (CBUC)
-Helped create two bills to extend Cal Grant to summer sessions
-Lobbied in D.C. with USSA to fight against issues like rising tuition
R.A. at San Miguel Hall
-Put on various programs on issues like mass incarceration and hookup culture
-RA of the Quarter in Winter ‘19
BSU Exec Intern, Housing Services (UCHS) Worker

I’m tryna B.U.S.S. down!
BUILD on the work of the Coalition to ensure financial aid reform is a top priority:
-Take more students on lobbying trips to allow students the chance to fight for their issues
-Continue to work to fight tuition hikes and promote the extension of Cal Grant
-Hold campus workshops on financial aid literacy at UCSB
UNDERSTAND what marginalized communities at UCSB need:
-Periodically attend identity-based orgs (like BSU) and receive reports from their leadership on how to address the needs of underserved groups in a statewide capacity
-Collaborate with other UC EVPSAs to build upon the work they’ve done to help these groups
SUPPORT formerly incarcerated young students:
-Partner with Corrections to College CA to create mentorship programs between those students and peer mentors to ensure retention
-Create more outreach for young adults who have been in the prison system and encourage them to apply to UCs
STOP UCs from doing business with companies that profit off of cruel prison labor:
-Collaborate with Senate to make a resolution condemning this issue
-Reach out to relevant UCSB organizations to bring more student attention and education to this this issue

Let’s make WAVES with CU! Please contact me at daevionne@ucsb.edu

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