Endorsed by:

Benjamin “Benjy” Chocron
Collegiate Senator - Letters & Science
Campus United (2018-20)


Hey y’all!

I’m Benjamin “Benjy” Chocron and I am very excited to be running for your next College of Letters and Science Senator with Campus United!

As I have reached the halfway point in my college career, I feel that I have a great understanding of our community and what it needs. Isla Vista is a one-of-a-kind place that cannot be explained in just a few sentences. I have learned that during our college experience we should all be growing in one way or another, whether it be personally or academically. That is why I am making it my goal to provide the most necessary and sufficient resources both on and off campus to help achieve that vision. I will make sure that students feel safe and comfortable at USCB and hopefully take away some of their stress.

Associated Students Public Safety Commissioner
Hillel “Jews in Greek Life” Philanthropy Chair
Vice-President of Recruitment & Expansion with the Interfraternity Council

INSTITUTE well-known emergency procedures, to prepare and protect faculty and students in the event of active shooter and bomb threats.
ESTABLISH a rental program for extension cords and chargers in the Library and various study locations to combat the lack of outlets on campus.
IMPROVE Wifi connection in the Library and work to create free printing within the Library and off-campus.
EXPAND CLAS to aid students in various majors and minors
CREATE a free school-wide subscription to the “Headspace” application to cope with the long wait for CAPS appointments

MY FIRST STEP as your L&S Senator would be to have a meeting the Public Safety Commission in creating well-known emergency procedures.

I am hopeful that my goals will benefit you all in the best way possible!

Vote BENJAMIN CHOCRON for Letters & Science Senator and vote CAMPUS UNITED! Make WAVES!

Please feel free to email me at benjaminchocron@ucsb.edu with any questions!

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