Helllooo Mapaches,
My name is Anthony Agama (he/him/his). I am a 2nd year majoring in Political Science. I am a 1st generation queer identifying student. I am a stressed-out student not only because of classes but also because I truly love this school. I truly love the student body and everybody in it. This love carries out not only on campus but also off! I am active within the UCSB community and the Isla Vista Community. Maybe you’ve seen me marching by, Storke Tower, running across campus, or even handing out water bottles in Isla Vista on a Friday night. The love I have for the UCSB community both on and off campus is the reason why I am running to be YOUR off-campus senator!
What are my qualifications you may ask? Well here there are:
-COLLABORATED closely with Administration through Mesa Directiva and KNOW how to make IDEAS ACTIONS.
-WORK with many organizations off campus like the YMCA center here in IV.
-STARTED wide connections of many OSL organizations because of the LEADERSHIP positions I have picked up, which has allowed me to COLLABORATE with the OSL admin.
-PARTICIPATED in a Leadership Retreat. I know how to be a SERVICE LEADER
-REPRESENT all students as I currently work with over 200+ students involved in multicultural greek.
With that being said, I bet you all want to know how I can be a representation for you all.
I plan on:
-ALLOCATING more off campus resources for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and other violent crimes by providing C.A.R.E with more funding to make the resources come to you!
-PROVIDING more funds (NOT BY INCREASING TUITION) to bring the AS food bank out into IV.
-CREATING more bus routes into IV instead of depending on the 27 only.
-CREATING study spaces in IV since I know very well, the library can be really far and packed.
-CAP the amount leasers are charging renters for deposits based on rooms
For these reasons I want you to VOTE ANTHONY #1 for Off Campus senator and VOTE Isla Vista Party!
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