My name is YASH NAGPAL, a first year Biology & Political Science double major, and I’m thrilled to be running with CAMPUS UNITED to be your next ON-CAMPUS SENATOR!
I want to make your experience at UCSB the best by enacting tangible change for ALL students and representing what YOU want to see on this campus!
San Nicolas Hall Council, Floor Representative
Planned and implemented CPR program in the residence halls
HPA Healthcare Forum Team
Member of the American Marketing Association
IMPROVE THE DINING COMMONS SYSTEM: I will work to improve the dining commons experience by implementing roll over meal swipes and allowing your swipes to be sent to friends through an online portal! I will also advocate for the dining commons to be open for longer hours.
MORE ACCESSIBLE ACADEMIC ADVISING IN DORMS: I noticed that as a first year, many students do not know how or where to seek out academic advising. I will improve accessibility of academic advising by having advisors come to common spaces in the residence halls, SRB, and UCen during important deadline weeks.
MORE HYDRATION STATIONS ON CAMPUS: I will work to install hydration stations on every floor of each residence hall and throughout campus buildings to increase accessibility of filtered water to all students.
INCREASE MASSAGE AND EGG CHAIRS: I want to combat student stress by adding massage and eggs chairs in Santa Catalina, Pardall Center, Chi-5 Area, and SRB!
VENDING MACHINE IMPROVEMENTS: I will work to install more variety of desired products in the vending machines such as Yerba Mate, school supplies, chargers, and feminine hygiene products.
My primary goal as your on-campus senator is to address student concerns WITHOUT increasing student fees! I believe that the university should support student success, and we should SUBSIDIZE student fees with the help of donors and UC state admin.
VOTE Yash Nagpal as your #1 ON-CAMPUS SENATOR & VOTE Campus United to Change the Current!