Yasamin Salari
On Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hey hey hey UCSB!

My name is Yasamin Salari, & I am running to be YOUR next On-Campus Senator!! I am a 1st year Political Science major from Irvine, California. Moving away from home was hard, but I am SO happy to call UCSB my second home. The people I have met here are like no other & they have helped make this transition easier. I’m sure I’m not alone, & as your next On-Campus Senator, I want to help make this transition easier for all students!

All throughout high school I was involved in student leadership, & have continued my passion here on campus. I enjoy collaborating and working with communities that I am involved in, & reaching out to other communities. I want to work for YOU to improve our campus and first year experience. I am extremely excited to make our campus a better living environment, & make our time here a time to remember.


MultiCultural Awareness Chair for Anacapa: Spreading awareness of social issues that students face
Organize events centered around inclusivity within Anacapa & the entire Chi-5 community
All Hall Brawl Planning Committee for Anacapa
President of Water Conservation Club in my hometown where we replaced all leaky faucets at my local high school and in community areas.

Together we can,

COLLABORATE with Housing & Dining to create a rollover meal swipe program where students can combat food insecurity & save money
PROVIDE more food choices on campus and healthier choices in the dining halls.
EXTEND the hours of Student Health: students should be able to access such services
ESTABLISH urgent care programs over the weekends in the Residence Halls
BRIDGE the communication gaps between A.S. and Hall Councils
FUND CAPS & CARE to hire more specialists to better aid the growing student need
REFORM the Drug & Alcohol program to eliminate the $140 CASE Fee

VOTE me, YASAMIN SALARI #1 on GOLD as YOUR next On Campus Senator, & VOTE the ISLA VISTA PARTY!

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