Hello Gauchos!
My name is Yara Khamis, I am a second year Political Science major with an emphasis in International Relations and I am running to be YOUR next Off-Campus Senator with Campus United!
I’m so excited for this opportunity to be able to represent YOU and our wonderful school!
Relevant Experience:
● Publicity Coordinator for AS Isla Vista Community Relations Committee
● Campaign Intern for winning Mayoral Candidate Cathy Murillo
● Member of UCSB Campus Democrats
● ASB Vice President for Monterey High School
My plans are to:
● IMPLEMENT a system that ensures more timely security alerts, in order to make the Isla Vista community safer.
● EXTEND availability of free menstrual products such as tampons and pads in on and off campus restrooms.
● EXPAND awareness of sustainability initiatives from A.S. entities to OSL groups and other school-affiliated organizations through:
○ Expansion of Policy 28 that promotes sustainable practices and systems within A.S. to OSL groups
● INCREASE the sense of community between all members of Isla Vista, not just students, by breaking the barriers between different parts of the community through all-inclusive interactive events, such as:
○ A book club with Pescadero Lofts
○ Study room with Isla Vista Elementary School
Vote Yara Khamis for your #1 choice for OFF CAMPUS SENATOR and VOTE CU!