Vanessa Maldonado
University Owned Off-Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hey Folks!

My name is Vanessa Maldonado & I am a proud Chicanx/Latinx womxn of color running to be your next University Owned Senator!

As a current On-Campus Senator, I hope to collaborate with the incumbent University Owned Senator and discuss the best course of action to address issues on food insecurity and mental health. I am excited to be running as the most qualified candidate for Uni-Owned Senator!

My Qualifications:
Current A.S. On Campus Senator
Diversity Program Facilitator
Santa Catalina Hall Council Executive Board
President of the Community Service Committee
My Vision:
COLLABORATE with Student Apartment Community Council (SACC) to bridge communication between Associated Students and the Apartment Residents
SPREAD AWARENESS about the AS Food Bank and CalFresh to Uni-Owned Residents
SUPPORT Mental Health/ Meditation Programs for Apartment Residents in working collaboration with CAPS and Health & Wellness.

Vote VANESSA MALDONADO as your #1 for University Owned Housing Senator! And Vote the Isla Vista Party!

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