Endorsed by:

Hey Gauchos!
My name is Sam Melamed and I am elated to be running for a chance to be one of your next On-Campus Senators! I am a first year Biology major running with Campus United and my primary goal is to protect the liberties granted to students and ensure their emotional well-being.
-Formed a Cultural Club which brought together Jewish students from disparate ethnic backgrounds.
-Over 200 hours working with important medical and administrative staff at LA County Hospital as a research and clinical volunteer.
-Volunteer at local shelter for displaced and abused German Shepherds.
Together, WE will:
-SECURE the right to express oneself on campus and to fund all established keynote speakers coming to UCSB, while ensuring that the campus stays free of hate and vitriol.
-ORGANIZE a commission that will facilitate a dialogue with RHA in order improve the On-Campus living experience.
-EXPAND accessibility of contraceptives and feminine hygiene products.
-PROMOTE pre-professional programs to help prepare Gauchos for the challenges of graduate school.
-INCREASE funding for CAPS to help accommodate the massive demand for it.
-ADD more humanities and liberal arts tutors to CLAS to help students outside of the STEM fields.
If elected, I will fight to ensure that all of the above goals are met. I will also work to find common ground with other representatives that have a different perspective on the issues.
VOTE Sam Melamed for On-Campus Senator and VOTE Campus United!