My name is Rose Ettleson I’m a 3rd year Film and Environmental Studies double major and I am READY to be your next Student Advocate General! I believe my EXPERIENCE as Chief of Staff in the Office of the Student Advocate this past year has prepared me for the job. Under the guidance of the current SAG, I’ve organized and led the office, learned about and handled a variety of cases, and helped to ADVOCATE FOR YOUR NEEDS. I’m ready to lead the office that is so critical to daily functions of our campus.As Student Advocate General I WILL:
LISTEN to students’ concerns and ideas. I will use my position to help amplify students’ voices. So often students feel silenced due to systemic negligence and disregard. I will ensure all students know their voices are heard and their concerns are understood.
COMMUNICATE with students, administration, and the association about issues concerning student experience. I will make sure student perspectives on important issues such as housing, Title IX, academics, and public interest, are heard and respected in student government and judicial proceedings.I hope to empower students by conveying to them their rights and the powerful platform that they have on campus.
RAISE AWARENESS of OSA as a space for students to seek guidance. Too often students are not aware of the resources available to them, and as SAG I will improve awareness of the office and all of its resources.
REACH OUT to communities on campus to ensure they know they have an ally in the association who will advocate for their needs. I intend to expand the office’s community outreach and polling projects to ensure that ALL STUDENT VOICES ARE HEARD.
In my 3 years at UCSB, I have found a new home in SB and the amazing community of dedicated, respectful students that I am surrounded with everyday. Next year, I hope to ASSIST ALL STUDENTS with the resources my office can provide. It would be an honor and privilege to be your next Student Advocate General!