Melissa Perez
On Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Howdy UC Santa Barbara!

My name is Melissa Perez and I’m a first year English major from San Diego hoping that you’ll swipe right for my position as your next year's On-Campus Senator!

There is always room for change. It is is vital to the growth of our community, and as we are developing as college students, our institution should change accordingly to accommodate us. As an On-Campus Senator, I will to work to ELIMINATE tuition hikes and URGE our administration to stand for the students that contribute to making this world-renowned institute what it claims to be. This means VOICING the needs of underrepresented communities near and dear to my heart such as LGBTQIA+ students, the Jewish community, undocumented students, and SOC.

Catch me around @:
-Poet’s Club, where we climb on tables and Slam... poetry. Yelling! Angry! Waving my hands a LOT! Specific point of view on THINGS! Cynthia! Cyn-thi-a! Jesus died for our sin-thi-as!
-The Coalition for a Better UC, which will work to pass Assembly Bill 3153 to extend the Cal Grant through the summer and increase its funding
-Student Lobby Corps, shimmying up to Sacramento and Washington DC to urge our congressional representatives to represent our needs

As your On-Campus Senator, I will ADVOCATE for:
-Hydration stations in lecture halls like Campbell Hall and IV Theater, as well as in San Raf and Manzi, equipped with cool water and ice
-Accessible free feminine hygiene products available across campus
-Increased Bike Parking Racks on campus
-Mental health care representatives available at discretion in every Residence Area
-Expanding speed and reliability in the Housing WiFi network

I will make sure to REPRESENT the voice of all students on campus, and work devoutly with administrations and organizations to ADVOCATE for your wants and needs!

Questions? Please feel free to call or text: (760) 916-6454 or email

VOTE Melissa Perez #1 on GOLD & VOTE Isla Vista Party!

#politicalpoetry #MelisCynthia

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