Madeline Loudon
External Vice President - Statewide Affairs
Campus United (2018-20)



My name is Madeline Loudon, I am a second year History of Public Policy major, and I am ready to be your next External Vice President for Statewide Affairs with Campus United!

I am determined to empower the student body to lobby, advocate, and organize for issues that affect ALL members on our campus!

AS Lobby Corps Co-Chair 2017-2018
EVPSA Policy Analyst 2017-2018
Voter Registration Volunteer Coalition Intern 2017-2018
Intern for Mayor Stephen Choi 2016

My Plan:
STOP UC TUITION HIKES - Organize and lobby against UC tuition hikes and work with state legislators and and regents to identity a long term funding source for the UC’s.
DO UC YOUR BENEFITS? - Create an online portal to increase awareness about grants, loans, and basic needs programs which are available to UCSB students in order to decrease the burden of University costs and streamline student’s accessibility to obtaining these resources.
ADVOCATE FOR VISIBLE AND NON-VISIBLE DISABILITIES - Identify and lobby for bills that address the needs of disabled students, de-medicalize access to UC resources and accommodations, and work to destigmatize disabilities on our campus and throughout the UC system.
BREAK THE NATIONWIDE VOTER REGISTRATION RECORD - Register 14,000+ students to vote for the midterm election and expand UCSB’s nationally recognized Voter Registration Volunteer Coalition through increasing positions and improving the organization’s relationships with administration on campus.

VOTE Madeline Loudon for EVPSA and VOTE Campus United! Together, we can change the current!

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