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Lea Toubian
On Campus Senator
Campus United (2018-20)


Hey Gauchos!

My name is Lea Toubian and I’m a first-year political science major from Los Angeles, CA and I’m running to be YOUR next On-Campus Senator with Campus United!

My experience:
AS External Director of Lobby Corps - I’ve helped fight against the proposed tuition hike
Intern for the Democratic Party of Santa Barbara
Member of UCSB Campus Democrats
An active member of the Santa Barbara Hillel community

With your vote I promise I will work to:
PUBLISH teacher evaluations for students to access, instead of relying on heavily skewed sites such as RateMyProfessor
CREATE a shuttle escort service to and from IV Safety Stations on the weekends by working with CSOs, IV Foot Patrol and UCIV
REVITALIZE and PUBLICIZE GauchoBooks as an effective resource for buying and selling textbooks
FIGHT against tuition hikes by working with the EVPSA office and AS Lobby Corps
COLLABORATE with PrintSpot to make ResNet printers in the dorms FREE as part of our 200 allocated pages/quarter
EXPAND dining commons take out options to other commons such as Portola
PERSONALIZE academic advising by assigning students a “primary” advisor

VOTE Lea Toubian as your #1 choice for On-Campus Senator and VOTE Campus United! It’s up to you to #ChangeTheCurrent