Justice “For All” Dumlao
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hello UCSB!

My name is Justice Dumlao. A student worker & 3rd year Global Studies major with a minor in LGBTQ studies. With your support, I want to serve YOU as YOUR next A.S President.

I am running this year to transform A.S from the "bubble" it has been in to be more community oriented so that it is more responsive to the students it serves. I am dedicated to being involved in many facets of UCSB in order to make our campus a better place.

I served on the A.S Queer Commission board as both the Outreach Coordinator and Co-Chair. All while working in the RCSGD for 3 years. I’ve shown my support to various student groups via protests, student panels, town halls, volunteering, and voter registration. Outside of community involvement, I’ve helped draft several pieces of legislation in the Senate.

It is my experiences, both within A.S & outside of it, that qualify me to effectively represent YOU as YOUR next A.S. PRESIDENT:
ADVOCATE with the Coalition for a Better UC to #EXTENDCALGRANT so that more students can achieve their academic goals without being in so much debt

TRAINED over a thousand students by COORDINATING various workshops regarding LGBTQ information & inclusivity

COLLABORATE with admin in reformatting parts of GauchoFYI and working to create a new online cultural diversity training

What I want for OUR campus:
INSTITUTE President Liaisons to integrate and work with: student organizers and community leaders in activism, Greek Life, Academics, & Athletics with the President’s Office through permanent liaisons

CREATE a Survivor Resource Center in Isla Vista in collaboration with the Sexual Assault Demands committee and CARE

EXPAND opportunities for students with internships & student leader positions to provide more credit & unit opportunities or professional certifications for their work

Together, we are unstoppable. As your next A.S. President, we can create a better UCSB. Vote JUSTICE DUMLAO, as YOUR next A.S PRESIDENT & VOTE for ISLA VISTA PARTY! #JusticeForAll ”

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