Greetings everyone!
My name is Juan Ornelas-Morales and I’m running to be your next Transfer Senator! I
just transferred from Pierce College from the San Fernando valley, and now I am a 3rd year
Psychology major!
I have always been passionate about helping others and being involved with my community. In fact, at my Community College I initiated the Food Pantry because I saw a need that students were having and I took all the necessary steps to try to address the problem. Now, I want to implement more resources at UCSB for the Transfer community. I want to make sure that all Transfer students have the necessary tools to being successful, not only academically but in their personal lives as well.
DACA recipient advisors to lead the students through the process of filling out forms for DACA or any immigration paper.
Expand tutoring services for Social Science Majors
Transfer GRAD Student Mentor and Mentee Program
Advocate to EXPAND the Transfer Student Center
VOTE JUAN ORNELAS-MORALES for your next Transfer Senator and Vote I.V PARTY!
If you having any questions don’t hesitate to contact me! I can be reached at