What’s up Gauchos!
My name is Josh Takeuchi and I am a 3rd year, 1st generation Asian American college student studying economics & accounting at UCSB, and I am running to be your next L&S senator with Campus United. While UCSB’s focus on research-based learning has helped facilitate the advancement of our engineering and STEM fields, I have noticed a lack of focus and funding for business-oriented programs, and the impact that increased admissions has on class sizes and pass times. All my life I wanted to start my own business, and for all of those who know me, I have a track record of getting things done. Not only do I want to spearhead these initiatives but also the initiatives of any student in L&S because, in reality, it is not my opinion that matters but the students’. Together, I believe we can leave an impact that will help future Gauchos with the same aspirations as us.
President of UCSB Sigma Eta Pi, co-ed entrepreneurship fraternity
GBO Intern at Salesforce.com
Incoming Assurance intern at EY
Chief Marketing Officer of DiveSB
My Plan:
STREAMLINE a centralized website that allows student-owned businesses to post opportunities for students seeking to gain relevant experience throughout their undergraduate career and utilize opportunity to lower tuition for out of state students.
COLLABORATE with the school, department heads, and current connections to increase class sizes for business-oriented programs (TMP courses) and improve pass times for L&S students competing with engineering for major classes, (i.e. Pass-times for O-Chem Labs).
EXPAND the UCSB alumni network to create more opportunities for UCSB students to land jobs at top-tier companies/firms in large metropolitan areas (i.e SF, LA, Wall Street, Silicon Valley).
SOLIDIFY the implementation of computer charger rentals, outlets, and microwaves at the library.
ESTABLISH a late night Rec Cen.
It’s time to walk the Tak
VOTE Josh Takeuchi for L&S senator and VOTE Campus United!