Jeike Meijer
External Vice President - Local Affairs
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hello UCSB!

My name is Jeike Meijer and I’m a 2nd year double major in Global and Feminist Studies with an American Indian and Indigenous Studies minor, and I am running to be YOUR next EVPLA!

As a student leader, I have observed real problems facing OUR community. As EVPLA, I will acknowledge, confront, and fix these issues and make sure that EVERY STUDENT has a voice in both student, local, and statewide government.

-VICE PRESIDENT of UCSB Campus Democrats
-ASSEMBLY DISTRICT DELEGATE for the CA Democratic Party representing UCSB and Student Interests
-COORDINATOR for Artistic and Cultural Affairs in the AS Office of the President
-COUNCILMEMBER for the American Indian Academic Council
-INTERN for Congressman Salud Carbajal who represents IV and Santa Barbara in the US House of Representatives
-CAMPAIGN INTERN for Measures E&F which brought us Isla Vista’s SELF-GOVERNANCE
-LOBBIED state and local representatives as a voice for UCSB
-REGISTERED people to vote on the UCSB campus and in Isla Vista

My PLANS for IV:
-ESTABLISH an emergency housing grant and temporary housing for students who are housing insecure
-IMPROVE regulations for landlord-tenant relationships with the IV Tenants Union & the CSD
-MAXIMIZE parking in IV such as by marking parking spaces
-EXPAND the role of CSOs in IV Weekend Patrols
-FIX and increase street lights on 67 and 68 Blocks of IV
-ADVOCATE for survivor-oriented sexual assault policies in IV
-CONNECT University wifi to parks and major hubs in Isla Vista: GO PARK WIFI!
-INCREASE technological services at the Pardall Center & install solar-powered outlets & lights for open study spaces in IV
-ENCOURAGE voter registration and access to increase participation in the 2018 elections
-INSTALL compost bins around Isla Vista for the use of residents & local businesses
-SUPPORT UCSB artists and musicians

Questions? Email me at

Vote JEIKE MEIJER for EVPLA and vote IV Party!

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