Jasmine Palmerin
Off Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hi Loves,

I am Jasmine Marie Palmerin. I am a second year English and Sociology Major. I am a first generation, biracial, sister, daughter, and friend to many. I am running to be YOUR next Off-Campus Senate. Although UCSB has been a home away from home, it is a home where I felt that as a student the only way I have a say in problems that affect me is if I do a walkout or join an organization. As YOUR Off-Campus Senate I will be sure that there is OPEN communication between students and the issues that will affect US.

I made UCSB a better place for YOU
Intern - Women’s Center: I was exposed to the issues and problems students encounter not only in UCSB but as well as I.V. which will be crucial in organizing policy solutions for students.
Member - Lobby Corps: Lobby state legislators for student interests in California. As students, OUR #1 concern should be academics, and lobbying for resources will allow us to do that.

How I WILL make UCSB a better place:
CREATE an accessible online legislation box, where students can voice out their concerns and have to be addressed at Senate meetings.
COLLABORATE with UCSB convenience stores in order to make all of them EBT friendly and standardize prices across campus.
Student Health should be OPEN from 9am to 5pm and 6pm to 9pm for ALL students.
COLLABORATE with the Isla Vista Community in order to have more lighting in dimmed parks and DP.
CONSTRUCT “Blue Lights” for emergencies at every block of Isla Vista, in order to create a safe environment for ALL students.
Immediate Care: WORK with CAPS in order to cut wait times by over 50% through efficient online bookings.
CREATE an off-campus food bank for weekends!
Transport: Bike rental program where students can rent a bike from UCSB, as well as providing accessible and affordable parking on campus.

I am ready and DETERMINED in advocating and sharing the space with all of YOU.

VOTE JASMINE PALMERIN as your #1 choice for Off-Campus Senator and VOTE ISLA VISTA PARTY

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