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Hey Gauchos!
My name is Emily Quach, a first-year Political Science major, and I am running to be YOUR next L&S SENATOR with CAMPUS UNITED!
Fighting for change has always been a vital part of my life. I have worked on local and statewide campaigns advocating for education and my passion has transcended to college where I want to continue to fight to make real changes for YOU.
My Experience:
- President of Santa Cruz Residence Hall
- A.S. Fellow for External Vice President of Statewide Affairs (EVPSA)
- Administrative Assistant at UCSB Business and Financial Services
- Intern for Congresswoman Judy Chu
- Intern for Los Angeles Democratic Party
- Intern for Pasadena Superior Courthouse
I plan to:
REVAMP GOLD to include potential major and minor progress checks and a "shopping cart" option to choose classes before your pass time to make class selection effortless
PRIORITIZE Letters and Science Advising to be more available to first-year students by holding advising programs in the residence halls
COLLABORATE with EVPSA and Lobby Corps to continue to fight against tuition hikes and work to make college more affordable
EXPAND library study spaces to include alternative learning environments and convert the library coffee shop to 24 hours during dead/finals week
GROW the CAPS program to include more massage therapists, more egg chairs around campus and in the library, and additional dog therapy days around campus and in the residence halls during midterm and finals week
Vote EMILY QUACH for L&S SENATOR and vote CAMPUS UNITED! Let’s change the current UCSB!