Hey, Gauchos!
My name is Anthony Pimentel, a third-year Political Science major, and I am thrilled to be running with CAMPUS UNITED to become your next Internal Vice President!
I am DETERMINED and PASSIONATE to make a feasible change on campus that the everyday UCSB student can see. It is changes like these that create the biggest impact and allow UCSB to be a place where EVERY student can reach their fullest potential.
Off-campus Senator
Internal Committee Co-chair
Community Services District (CSD) Policy Intern
External Vice President of Local Affairs (EVPLA) Fellow
Anacapa Hall Council
MAKE A.S. AS ONE: Develop a system that ensures all BCU’s are following proper parliamentary procedure and are appropriately taking minutes in a cohesive and coordinated fashion.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Holding Senators accountable to ensure they are being active liaisons to their BCU’s and undertaking all of their responsibilities and duties by holding mandatory one-on-ones and revitalizing public forums to be more effective.
PROACTIVITY: Expanding the roles and duties of the Campus visibility Director to bridge the gap between Associated Students and the Student Body, so students know where their student fees are going.
COMMUNICATION: Reform the association to ensure a seamless transition of all AS positions, not only limited to senators, but to BCU chairs as well.
I am super excited and honored to have the opportunity to represent YOU to ensure YOUR voice is heard. Let’s not just talk about things, let’s put them into action. VOTE ME to become your next INTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT with CAMPUS UNITED, and we’ll change the current together!