What’s up, Gauchos?!
My name is Lexi Bettencourt and I am so thrilled to announce that I am running to be YOUR next Off Campus Senator with Campus United! I am a first year Biology major who is extremely blessed to be living in such an amazing and beautiful place like IV, and I am super stoked to make IV a better place for EVERYONE, especially YOU!
-Represented ALL students through LOBBYING with A.S. at the state’s capitol for increased funding of the UC which includes- NO tuition hike, MORE academic advisors, and increased ACCESS to facilities such as CAPS
-Recreation Center Customer Service Specialist- ESTABLISH connections with students and help address YOUR recreational needs to management
-Life of the Party Volunteer
-Mayor of Hesperia for 1 day- allocated $10,000 in funds to various progressive city programs
-Chapter Correspondent for Tri Delta Sorority
My Plan:
-CREATE more parking spaces in IV with the office of EVPLA & IV local government
-EXPAND access to reproductive health services in IV
-INSTALL more bike racks within IV
-IMPLEMENT and BROADEN more eco-friendly measures within IV- more recyclable bins, compost, and dog waste baggies
-IMPROVE safety measures- lightposts, increased CSO presence
-BUILD more study spaces in IV and by the beach
Let’s change the current together and bring your concerns and ideas into action! VOTE Lexi Bettencourt for Off Campus Senator on Gold, VOTE Campus United!