This constitutional amendment eliminates the ability for the Internal Vice President and all Senatorial Candidates to run with political parties and their endorsements. Future candidates would no longer run with any political parties.
A “Yes” vote is in favor of eliminating the ability for the Internal Vice President and Senatorial Candidates to run with political parties.
A “No” vote would continue to allow for the Internal Vice President and Senatorial Candidates to run affiliated with a political party.
The Nonpartisan Act
Do you approve of the amendment of Article VII Section 2. Executive Officers. of the Constitution and Article VI Section 4. Duties & Powers. of the constitution as follows:
Changes noted in Bold
The Executive Officers of the Associated Students shall be elected annually by a majority vote (50% +1) of the Associated Students’ Membership.
- B) The Internal Vice President Affairs shall:
- Serve as the Presiding Officer of the Senate except when the office of the
President becomes vacant.
- Serve as the representative of Associated Students in all internal affairs.
- Advise and inform the President and the Senate on all campus matters.
- Be responsible for facilitating the monitoring of the proliferation of student fees
throughout the university.
- Serve as the official liaison between Associated Students, the Office of Student
Life, and Registered Campus Organizations.
- Serve as the official overseer and reference for all interactions between the Senate
Liaisons and their BCU’s. They must also train the Senators in how to be liaisons.
- In the event that the office of the President becomes vacant, serve as President
until a new President is duly elected.
- Be a non-partisan representative of all undergraduate students at the University.
The Senate shall:
- A) Supervise and maintain the policies, properties and conduct of the Associated Students.
B) Have authority over the responsibility for all Associated Students’ revenues and expenditures. - C) Approve by majority vote (50% + 1) the annual budget.
D) Approve and publish the annual audit by a Certified Public Accountant chosen by the Executive Director and subject to the majority approval (50% +1) of the Senate members present.
E) Keep minutes of all proceedings.
F) Ratify all appointments of the President, Presiding Officer, and the Judicial Council by a majority vote (50% + 1) of the Senate members present, unless otherwise provided herein. - G) Be empowered to authorize all boards, commissions, Committees, and other agencies of the Associated Students, which shall:
1) Aid in the execution of the policies and programs of the Associated Students. 2) Have the power of legislative initiative.
3) Report regularly to the Senate.
4) Keep records of all proceedings.
5) Maintain regular contact with said AS Entity as outlined in Article VI, Section 1 F.
- H) Be empowered to establish and disband sub Judicial Council(s) as provided herein. I) Be empowered to investigate all matters pertaining to their legislative function.
J) Be empowered to override a Presidential veto by a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership.
1) Have the power to enact a phone vote if the vetoed legislation is deemed urgent in nature.
- K) Be empowered to authorize the expenditure of investment reserve funds by a three-fourths (3/4) majority approval of the voting membership.
L) Be empowered to dismiss appointees of the President, the Presiding Officer, and the Judicial Council by a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership, unless otherwise provided herein.
) Be a non-partisan representative of all undergraduate students at the University.
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