Jalia “Jolly” Carlton-Carew
Off Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hey UCSB people!

My name is Jalia Carlton-Carew and I am a second-year Film and Media Studies major from Atlanta, Georgia. I am a first-generation American whose parents come from Sierra Leone and I am ready to be your next Off-Campus Senator.

I want to be YOUR Off-Campus Senator so I can PROTECT your interests as students and ENSURE that they are REPRESENTED in the decisions of Associated Students.

I HAVE served YOU as a:

Resident Assistant for Santa Catalina Hall 2017-2018:
DEVELOP and CREATE a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for 1400 residents.
UPHOLD residential policies for the well-being of the community.
THOROUGHLY TRAINED on Title IX policies, Safe Zone and Dream Scholars resources.

Peer Mentor for BSU’s OG/YG Program 2017-2018:
HELP with the retention of black students at UCSB.
PROVIDE emotional support for first-year black students with their transition from high school to college.

Writer and Publicity Coordinator for the Sustainability Program 2016-2017:
INTERVIEWED UCSB faculty and WROTE articles about their research in relation to sustainability.
ORGANIZED events in IV where UCSB professors can informally discuss their research with the UCSB/IV community.

ADVOCATED for UC students against tuition hikes at the March 14th, 2018 UC Regents Meeting at UCLA.
PUBLISHED author of two books, "100 Tips to Becoming Great Children" and "It All Happens in Middle School."
WORKED on over 10 artistic (film and theatre) productions.

I WILL serve YOU by:
HIRING more students as Mental Health Peers at CAPS to provide more support for the UCSB community.
PARTNERING with CAPS to lower students’ stress levels by CREATING more de-stress programs in Isla Vista.
IMPROVING the public image of Isla Vista by COLLABORATING with student artists on a web-series about our community which would ENCOURAGE positive representations of I.V.

Get JOLLY with JALIA and VOTE JALIA as your #1 choice for OFF-CAMPUS Senator and VOTE I.V. Party!

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