Grecia “grec” Martinez
Student Advocate General


Hey there again, UCSB!
~blows kiss~

My name is Grecia Martinez, a 3rd-year History of Public Policy major + Labor Studies minor, and I am humbled to be running as YOUR next Student Advocate General!

My time at UCSB has been spent FIGHTING and ADVOCATING for ALL students, not only on our campus, but on a greater local, state, and national level! I have proven my dedication to student advocacy and empowerment by:

-Advocating for YOUR needs, wants, and concerns as a Collegiate Senator
-Serving as the UCSB undergraduate representative on the Food Security Taskforce
-Lobbying US legislators to expand Pell grants and increase financial aid for ALL students
-Creating the FIRST AS International Student Committee AND Public and Mental Health Commission
-Organizing conferences and workshops where students learn about identities and communities as part of the Student Commission on Racial Equality

Whether you’re a Gaucho or a Mapache- I am DEDICATED to making you my priority!

As your next Student Advocate General, I plan to EXPAND these efforts by:

-ELEVATING student voices by conducting needs-assessments in order to PRIORITIZE the needs of our UCSB community

-ORGANIZING a campus-wide campaign and workshops so that ALL incoming students are aware of their rights and resources on campus

-IMPLEMENTING community organizers to AMPLIFY student voices and COLLABORATE the work of student groups and local unions because TOGETHER we are STRONGER

- COLLABORATING with DSP (Disabled Student Program) and professors to restructure policies around Mental Health and Academic Performance

- ACTIVELY work to address Food and Housing security issues by COLLABORATING with different UCSB groups to form a coalition and tackle problems faced by students in OUR community

For an EXPERIENCED, DRIVEN, and PASSIONATE Student Advocate-


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