Hi friends!
My name is Alli Adam and I am running to be your next College of Letters and Science Senator with Campus United.
I am a 2nd year political science major pursuing a Technology Management Program Certification. My goal as a senator is for every student at UCSB to be able to name one way Associated Students has helped them. I aim to create a diverse pool of necessary resources on campus and in Isla Vista to benefit our wonderfully diverse community. I will make sure that AS efficiently provides students with the services they need in order to succeed personally, academically, and professionally.
-IV Community Services District Coordinator
-Cabinet member within the office of the EVPLA
-External Event Chair of Alpha Chi Omega
-CREATE an AS School Supply Bank that offers free school supplies to students year round
-IMPROVE wifi connection in the library, as well as work to provide free printing and charger rentals within the library
-INSTITUTE a mentorship program between students and alumni to help students solidify their career paths
-EXPAND CAPS resources for survivors of sexual assault by forging a stronger, more cohesive partnership between Associated Students and CAPS
-PROVIDE free and fair access to Plan B for students without Gaucho Health Insurance.
-IMPLEMENT online professor evaluation forms to reduce paper usage and maintain a sustainable campus
-GROW CLAS to expand these academic benefits to all majors and minors
Vote ALLI ADAM for Letters and Science Senator and vote Campus United!