If you vote for me, and I win this election, I will ASK HER OUT!
Fellow students of UCSB, I am Lloyd Yoo!
Voting for an election never seems to be easy at UCSB, since there are way too many candidates to choose from.
Well, I am here today to change that with a proposal–a win-win situation for both you and me.
Ever since I came here, my number one priority has always been to have a positive impact on those around me here at UCSB, because this place is my home, and you all are like a family to me.
Having a deep passion for helping others, I’ve always been involved in student council, having been elected student body president three times, as well as working with the UCPD as a Student Safety Partner to ensure students’ safety on campus and around campus–my top priority has always been you, and I don’t intend on stopping.
Now, I am announcing my candidacy for one of your off-campus Senator positions.
As your Senator, I will address the flawed meal swipe system to ensure fair value for students.
As your Senator, I will work to enhance course registration flexibility on GOLD, ensuring all students have a fair opportunity to complete their courses and graduate.
That’s not all. I also want to be a figure, someone you could look for if you ever need help, or simply would like to discuss anything. As I’ve mentioned, you all are like a family to me, and this place is my home.
I am Lloyd Yoo, third year Political Science major running for your off-campus Senator.
Vote for me, and if I win this election, I will ask her out.
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