Endorsed by:

Daniyal “Dan” Siddiqui
Off Campus Senator


My name is DAN SIDDIQUI and I am running to be your next OFF-CAMPUS SENATOR. I am a second-year Political Science and Philosophy major who is passionate about advocating for my communities. I identify as a proud disabled, Muslim-American student who is the child of undocumented immigrants. With the rise of islamophobia and ableism on our campus this past year, I believe we must have student representatives who will support and embolden these communities, whose voices have historically gone unheard. Furthermore, as the Chair of CODE this past year I have witnessed firsthand how BCUs are marginalized by AS leadership, and if elected to senate I vow to work WITH BCUs instead of against them to support the critical work they do for our campus.

I believe AS has been unnecessarily bureaucratic, inefficient, and excluded marginalized communities for too long. Advocating for ALL students at UCSB means talking to students DIRECTLY about the issues impacting them to build resilience in an institution that was created to exclude marginalized folks like myself.

My Experience:

CO-CHAIR for the Commission on Disability Equity (CODE)
INTERNAL HEAD OF STAFF for the External Vice President for Statewide Affairs (EVPSA) Office
APPOINTED OFFICER for Campus Climate in the UC Students Association (UCSA)

My Platforms:

EXPAND basic needs resources such as employment, food benefits, and housing for students regardless of documentation status
COMMIT to holding AS leadership accountable for its mistreatment of BCUs and inaction on critical student issues
FIGHT for increased accessibility so that no disabled student has their education goals hindered by access barriers
ADVOCATE for our student conduct policies to center Restorative Justice and ensure students have solid alternatives to police
DEMAND that our campus DIVESTS from war and INVESTS in students and marginalized communities

Feel free to reach me on Instagram at @dansiddd and remember to Vote DAN SIDDIQUI for OFF-CAMPUS SENATOR!

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