Endorsed by:
Hello Gauchos,
My name is Bruce Fan, a first-year economics major, and I am ready to be YOUR NEXT OFF-CAMPUS SENATOR
As a student from China, I am fortunate to see so many international students coming from all over the world. While our campus is diverse, the voice of those who contributed to our diversity is often underheard. Thus, I am fighting on behalf of ALL of you to make our campus more academic-friendly and our community safer, more convenient, and more tolerant!
-Internal Affairs Committee, Student Representative at Large
-President of Chinese Culture Club in High School
-Led the process of writing joint letters and petitions to UCSB with international students to de-triple dorms and maximize social distancing
-Founder of a non-profit “Spark Republic”
Community Safety
-INTRODUCE an Emergency Act that prepares funds and designates certain low-density housing in IV and on campus for students in need (e.g. international students) during emergencies
-CREATE a guidebook for students that guides them through Isla Vista house rentals
-INSTALL a blue light system for residents in Isla Vista to better inform the community of danger
Academic Well-being
-CREATE a comprehensive academic advising program that is exclusively dedicated to international students and students with English as an acquired language to check and revise their essays, resumes, and other writings
-LOWER textbook costs by promoting the use of open-source and free textbooks
A More Convenient and Tolerant Campus
-WORK to educate students from ALL backgrounds about Associated Students to encourage wider campus involvement
-MITIGATING food insecurity by allow students to donate as many of their unused meal swipes as they please each week
-EXPAND the accessibility of portable chargers for student use by increasing designated charging locations on campus
VOTE Bruce Fan as your #1 choice for Off-Campus Senator and VOTE for Campus United!
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