-I would love to develop an educational workshop so every election year students can get informed on what is on the ballot, along with a non-partisan organization or site dedicated exclusively to simplifying complex political issues.
-In order to provide students living off-campus with greater access to the school’s resources and study space, I want to dive into the possibility of building a small library or annex off-campus.
-Incorporate know your rights/how to communicate with law enforcement into GauchoFYI
-Off-campus food bank so students don’t have to travel to campus to access them
-I would collaborate with the IV Tenants Union to develop programs and resources to make the off-campus housing process more accessible for students that are brand new to the process. (ex. Rate my landlord/rate my housing to allow students to give reviews to others so they have access to information)
-Add a Greek Life Senator Position so that part of our student population can more directly represent themselves
Candidate Statement:
Hey Gauchos!
My name is Cameron Parker. I’m a first year political science and history double major, and I’m running to be your next Off-Campus Senator with Campus United!
Fellow for current Senator Giselle Etessami
Santa Cruz Hall Real Talk Facilitator
My goals:
-Create an organization on campus dedicated to informing the general student population about complex political issues so all student voters can be well-informed
-Work to develop an off-campus annex so students living in IV have easier access to study space, and and so the library isn’t overcrowded during dead and finals weeks
-Incorporate know your rights/how to communicate with law enforcement in a variety of circumstances into GauchoFYI
- Develop an off-campus food bank so students don’t have to travel to campus for access
-Add a Greek Life Senator position
Vote Cameron Parker as your choice for Off-Campus Senator and vote Campus United!